Validation of GreenComp for the school Context will set the base for the development of the project outcomes. That will be achieved by the development of methodology for the focus group research and implementation of focus groups in each country the outcomes of which will be used to both validate GreenComp and come up with the GreenComp framework for the school context.

Development of Micro credential Training Courses a curriculum and material for the training of the students to become primary school teachers and the teachers are going to be developed, thus achieving the 3rd objective of the project proposal. This activity foresees to develop material for two target groups of the project Teachers and HE students with the purpose to provide them with competencies, according to the GreenComp Framework, that will use in order to educate School students and facilitate the learning process of the parents. The material will cover all GreenComp areas, and will end with an assessment for the provision of digital badges, as micro credentials, for both target Groups.
Development of training tools for Pupils & Parent. The partnership will develop the tools that the teachers and aspiring teachers will have the chance to use with primary school students in order to foster their sustainability mindset. Furthermore, the teachers and aspiring teachers will have the chance to introduce the students and parents with self-learning activities and games that the students need to complete with their parents in order for both target groups to develop competences related to sustainability and foster their sustainability mindset.